Sunday, February 6, 2011

Here fishy fishy fishy...

Well this was kind of a last minute project but I am helping my friend with a kids ice fishing tourney next weekend and decided that we needed something festive and fun to wear...

Cheap yarn, h hook and alot of thinking. I didnt have a pattern for this hat, just kinda pulled it out of my butt.

Now that I've made one it should be a lot quicker to whip up another one. I did it today while we were all watching the superbowl.. I think i use the superbowl as an excuse to drink and throw a party anyways.


  1. Ive tried to fix this post a million times but it is still weirdly laid out like this...sigh

  2. I would love to make one of these for my nephew! Have you thought of posting a pattern for this, love?

    And by the way, a text-wrap HTML code would fix this weirdly-laid out post really quick.
