Monday, January 28, 2013

Fleece addict

Well I thought I had my addictions under control; my yarn was put away and not bursting out of its drawers, all my hooks were neat and orderly and I had not bought a skein for months.

Then I discovered fleece.

Oh soft and fluffy fleece! Where have you been my whole life!? Very easy to sew, so versatile in what you can make with it! Mittens, hats, scarves, hats, headbands, and HATS!!  I sewed and sewed to my hearts content on Sunday and completed 11 fishy hats for the charity fishing derby this year. My back is killing me and my husband told me it looked like I was running a one woman sweat shop...

Time is a very hard thing to come by when you are busy, hence why I hung up my crochet hooks for a while.  I am a pretty fast crocheter but when you don't get more than 20-30 minutes once or twice a week, it doesn't accomplish much.

Then I discovered fleece.

I can grind out hats like my J.O.B. Thread and fleece fluff is flying as I attempt to get my fix. The longer "child-adult" hats I made up my own pattern from the idea of a santa hat and the fishy hat I found on an old old pattern I had bought at Joanne's I think called Teazer (i think?) I only have the cut outs of it now anyhoozle.

You have no idea how excited I was to put "googly eyes" on my grocery list. I really wish I could find some big ones that have eyelashes and colored lids but alas the ones I have will work just fine.
I do plan on making a "GLAM" version of this hat for me and 2 other girls who work at the derby. Bright colors, eyelashes maybe even some gemstones to really class it up.

The adult ones I am going to make are going to be camouflage fish with pink or neon orange tail/fins/inside lining. I hope these are a hit as well :)

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